Item no:
Retail price:
12 or more $0.08333 (17% discount) 50 or more $0.06 (40% discount)
In stock:
Special order item, limited supply on hand, 7-10 day delay if you want more.
A mixture of opaque round cuts measuring 5/16" to 7/16" in diameter in two shades of blue. Each has 19 facets. These were made for use on fancy costume accessories of the Victorian and Edwardian eras. This should not deter you from acquiring some of these, for new uses should suggest themselves almost immediately. Utilizing a clear cement, they can be used to decorate curry combs, perambulators, velocipedes, rocking horses, night lamps, high backed combs, hair brushes and specie bags.
Brigadier H. H. Foible-Foible of Walla Walla, (just recovering from Beri-Beri contracted in Pago-Pago) writes to say "Your offering of Whittemore's Follies came at just the time to ward off the winter's blahs. I was zonked out of my skull, Man."
You too can get a boost like the stoic Brigadier. Just order a fix of Whittemore's Follies. Limited supply.